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Monday, April 10, 2017

Powerful Command !!!

shutdown -i
This windows command is use to shutdown or restart Remote Desktop Server or Machine from your local laptop or Windows Desktop.
In my scenario this help's me to restart Windows server as I connected to a server using Remote Desktop when it hang's and I'm not in Data Centre to restart physically on the server using power on off or restart button.
When you type shutdown -i from cmd it'll open new window in that you'll find 2 main tabs 1. hostname or Ip of the server 2. Shutdown, Startup, Restart. Hope this will help you it might be a single shutdown -i. I believe sharing knowledge is getting knowledge more than helping.
Important Point is You should have Administrator Privilege to execute this command.

Why Resetlogs The Database When You Restore Old Or Restore From Autobackup Or Recreated Controlfile In Oracle?

Question: After creating a controlfile manually without any backup how the database goes to a consistent state? Because the newly created controlfile does not have the scn details as well as checkpoint information that the deleted controlfile had.
Also after restoring the controlfile is it needed to open the database in resetlogs mode? If not why?

Good question

I too was very focusing on this one when I restore controlfile and open the database with resetlogs and I try to open with noresetlogs but no luck.

With this point I clear my doubt and according to my understanding if you recreated controlfile or restore from autobackup the scn and ckpt information is different.

Anyway a control file restored from a backup has an SCN taken at that "remote" time, different compared with those currently available in the datafiles and redo logs and so they have to be resynchronized.

To resynchornized controlfile with redologs and datafiles we need to do resetlogs and you know resetlogs: "RESETLOGS will initialize the logs, reset your log sequence number, and start a new "incarnation" of the database."

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Instance with status BLOCKED and RMAN-04006, ORA-12528, Instance "testdb", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Instance "testdb", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Instance with status BLOCKED and RMAN-04006, ORA-12528 dont be panic or worry with this error:

Solution: Solution is very simple.

When an instance within open mode: NOMOUNT
you see on Listener status the associated instance is listed as follow:
Instance "testdb", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
when db will become in open mode you'll not find furhter this error.
..other case, when you use RMAN to duplicate the database and try this connect:
rman target sys/password@source_db auxiliary sys/password@duplicated_db

RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database:
ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections
Solution here: Don’t try connect auxiliary duplicated_db over listener. 
Try with this:
set oracle_sid=duplicated_db
rman target sys/password@source_db auxiliary /

Monday, February 27, 2017

tns-12560 tns-00530 protocal adapter error windows

error: tns-12560 tns-00530 protocal adapter error on windows server.

solution: I received this error when I put new database entry in listener.ora file and restart listener. Listener throws this error tns-12560 tns-00530 protocal adapter error.

I tried many times with so many changes in listener.ora file but unable to start listener. Finally I get idea to start listener service from windows services , there I get hint. When I try to start services of listener it throws login failed error, it means some one change password of oracle user or Administrator user. 

I changed Administrator password in properties of listener service it resolve error and able to start listener services.

To change password and start listener service: From windows run give services.msc it'll redirect you to services, right click on listener service --> properties --> go to log on tab and change the password.
servicename example : OracleTNSListener

After change password right click on service and click on start to start listener service.